GRATIS WEBINAR: Team Reflection and Retrospectives

Onsdag d. 12 Januar. 2022, kl 7:00

Underviser Robert Fujdiar

Webinaret afholdes på engelsk:

A new year calls for new plans, but it also calls for reflection on past accomplishments and dynamics. 

At AgileLeanHouse we deliver bi-weekly free webinars that can be signed up to through the Meetup group Agile Lean Leadership. We invite you to join us as we explore and learn about leadership and organization from Agile and Lean perspectives.

In this first webinar of 2022, we will dive into the topic of team reflection and Retrospectives. In order to be continually productive in a team, retrospectives are necessary. Retrospectives compel us to turn our focus on what we learned from a past iteration of work: what went well, what problems we encountered and how those problems were (or were not) solved. Retrospectives also foster psychological safety in a team, providing all members with a chance to speak.

On Wednesday, Jan. 12. 19:00 CET you have the opportunity to be inspired by the excellent Robert Fujdiar, whose fingerspitzengefühl with teams dynamics and team needs is inimitable. Robert will provide a motivating case for including team reflection and retrospectives into your routines, and he will deliver practical ideas for how to get started, how to approach colocated vs online Retrospectives and general inspiration to continue having fun, valuable and worthwhile times of team reflection.

You can sign up through Meetup.