Webinar: Værktøjer og Agilitet – fordele og ulemper

Onsdag 9. Februar kl 19:00 CET. Varighed: En time

Undervisere Arne Åhlander and Kurt Nielsen

Webinaret holdes på engelsk

Scrum – the most widely used Agile framework – is at its core quite easy to understand and its application doesn’t necessitate the use of any specific tools.

In fact, quite often keeping things as simple as possible (eg. artifacts with post-it notes and whiteboard planning) is advised to the extent possible.

But the glue on post-it notes doesn’t last forever and sometimes our team members are not co-located and the need for tooling arises.

This webinar on March 9. 7 PM CET will look at the pros and cons of various types of tools used within Agile practices and help you discern the needs of your team and organization. Needs that may vary from development to prioritization, collaboration or communication.

Experienced Agile coaches and trainers Arne Åhlander and Kurt Nielsen will lead a discussion on the topic.

The webinar will end with a brief introduction to the productivity tool for Product Owners – Agemba – that AgileLeanHouse has developed.

You can sign up through meetup.com/agile-lean-leadership/events/284222312/